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Roxanne Sawatzky
Roxanne Sawatzky, has her M.A. in Leadership and Change Management; she has published two books: 21st Century Organizations, How to Meet the 21st Century Skills Gap and When They Choose Change, A Four Step Process to Guiding People through Change. She has co-authored the soon to be released peer reviewed article: Motivational Interviewing to Promote Employment in Ambivalent Individuals. Journal of Employment Counseling, 2019.
Roxanne has been an active member of MINT since 2009. She has shared her MI knowledge and expertise through keynote presentations internationally in New Zealand, and the United States. She is regularly asked to deliver presentations at conferences in Canada, including Cannexus, a National Career Development Conference that is designed to promote the exchange of information and explore innovative approaches. Her last presentation for Cannexus was as a keynote speaker for over 1000 employment service providers.
Roxanne holds a certificate in Addictions and Case Management and has demonstrated experience and expertise in working within income assistance as a MI consultant, MI trainer, MI coder, MI researcher and MI practitioner.

George Sawatzky
George is Co-Owner and Operations Manager at Empowering Change Inc.
George holds an Honors in Accounting, Business and Financial Math from Success Business College and brings to Empowering Change nearly two decades of management and leadership experience.
George is responsible for overseeing Empowering Change’s business operations, managing the company’s financial initiatives, and handling contract negotiations.
George is also a member of LinkedIn and the Trainers Network Group, and was inducted into the black book of Stanford Who’s Who.

Anik Vega-Lamborelle
On m’a demandé un jour pourquoi j’aime tant l’entretien motivationnel (EM). Après
quelques moments de réflexion, j’ai répondu :
J’aime l’EM, car cette approche rejoint mes valeurs les plus profondes : le respect de
l’autre et de ses choix, la recherche d’un mieux-être, de bonheur. Une intervention
basée sur l’EM reconnait et cherche à mettre en valeur le potentiel que chaque être
humain possède en lui.
J’ai eu mes premiers contacts avec l’EM en 2007, alors que mon employeur à l’époque
(Ligne j’Arrête de la Société canadienne du cancer) avait décidé de former ses employés
à cette approche. Forte de mon apprentissage, j’ai obtenu le poste de formatrice des
conseillers en arrêt tabagique, fonction que j’ai occupée pendant 8 ans. Au fil des ans,
j’ai assisté à plusieurs formations pour arriver à mieux maitriser l’EM. En 2011, j’ai suivi
une formation de formateurs donnée par le Motivational Interviewing Network of
Trainers à Sheffield, Royaume-Uni. Celle-ci m’a permis de joindre l’organisation du MINT
au sein de laquelle je suis toujours active. Au courant de l’année 2017, j’ai joint l’équipe
de Empowering Change Inc. en tant que formatrice et j’ai maintenant l’occasion et le
privilège d’être témoin de l’efficacité de l’EM au niveau de l’employabilité. Dans le
cadre de mon travail, j’utilise aussi le (MITI) Motivational Interviewing Treatment
Integrity, un outil reconnu pour évaluer l’adhérence de l’intervenant à l’EM à partir
d’enregistrements audio ou vidéo.
Avoir l’occasion de pratiquer l’entretien motivationnel et de l’enseigner m’apporte
toujours de la satisfaction et beaucoup de joie. Mon objectif à travers mes formations
est d’aller chercher le meilleur chez les participants et de les aider à expérimenter cette
approche en appliquant moi-même ces principes lorsque j’enseigne.

Lynn Sones
Lynn Sones has worked within the Social Services sector for 40 years. The primary focus of the last eighteen years has been clinical supervision, program development and evaluation, teaching, and coaching and training Motivational Interviewing in a community based Addiction/Mental Health Treatment Program. This program provided support to other agencies including; Child and Family Mental Health, Boards of Education, Physicians and Hospitals, Child Protection, Judicial System, AIDS Service Organizations,Indigenous programs, Homelessness initiatives and Social Assistance/Employment Programs. Through this continuum of experience she has maintained focus and practice of Motivational Interviewing. She received certification with Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) and MITI Coding 2009 and in 2017 was re-certified for the most recent version, MITI 4.2.1. She has committed herself to life long learning and improvement.
Lynn graduated from Boston University with a B.A. and Central Michigan University with a MAEd.
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Trudy-Lyn Wittig
Trudy-Lyn Wittig, Trainer, has over 20 years’ experience in the field of social
services, with an emphasis on employment, working with clients in both the
private and not-for-profit sectors. Trudy-Lyn is an active member of MINT
frequently contributing her knowledge and skills to other MI trainers. She has
extensive experience and expertise in MI training, coaching and providing
supervision to practitioners and supervisors in large organizations.
Furthermore, she has provided training and coaching for three Income Assistance
research projects. Through the many lessons learned in these research projects
she developed an innovative and effective coaching model for gaining
competency in Motivational Interviewing. She is responsible for ECI’s coding lab
and provides coding training to service providers interested in starting their own
coding lab. She has a proven track record of creativity and innovation in program
and job development, job coaching, workshop facilitation, counselling and
Trudy-Lyn holds a BA from the Faculty of Social Science: Psychology Major from
the University of Western Ontario. She has received many certifications and
qualifications for personality and temperament assessment tools as well has
received numerous trainings in the area of mental health.